Prime Clinical Systems



Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.

3675 E. Huntington Drive

Pasadena, CA 91107




August 12, 2013



Dear Client,


Noridian Medicare Set Up and Status


Currently Prime Clinical Systems is developing the OnStaff Intellect and OnStaff Unix platforms for the Noridian requirements. We will be posting and emailing additional information as it is received.


At implementation dates, in accordance with CMS directive, all JE Trading Partners will be required to change the JE Contractor Number/ID (Payor ID) in their 837 EDI claim files. The new JE Contractor Numbers/IDs are:  


1. Medicare Northern CA Part B - 01112

2. Medicare Southern CA Part B - 01182

3. California Part A - 01111

4. Nevada - Part A - 01311

5. Nevada - Part B - 01312


See for additional JE Contractor ID information.  


The new contractor ID will need to be present in the following locations within your claim files and your OnStaff program.



OnStaff Intellect: Utility/Insurance


Your program will need to be on a version greater than 13.07.08 for Medicare/Noridian electronic direct connection.  


This information must be changed in the Utility/Insurance Screen for your

Medicare Insurance Company:


Noridian Utility-Insurance


1. Medicare Northern CA Part B - 01112
2. Medicare Southern CA Part B - 01182

3. California Part A - 01111

4. Nevada - Part A - 01311

5. Nevada - Part B - 01312


OnStaff Intellect: Utility/Insurance/Telecom


 ISA08 Utiltiy/Insurance/Telecom/Modify/ISA Receiver ID(08)

 GS03 Utiltiy/Insurance/Telecom/Modify/GS Receiver ID(03)


Noridian Utility-Insurance-Tele Com


1. Medicare Northern CA Part B - 01112  

2. Medicare Southern CA Part B - 01182

3. California Part A - 01111

4. Nevada - Part A - 01311

5. Nevada - Part B - 01312


The new contractor Number/ID will be effective for Medicare Part A on August 26, 2013 and Medicare Part B on September 16, 2013.



OnStaff Unix: Utility/Insurance

Your Unix version will not change. However, Prime Clinical Support will need to upload several files before you may submit direct to Noridian.  


Noridian Unix Utility-Insurance


1. Medicare Northern CA Part B - 01112  

2. Medicare Southern CA Part B - 01182

3. California Part A - 01111

4. Nevada - Part A - 01311

5. Nevada - Part B - 01312



OnStaff Unix: Utility/Insurance/Telecom


Unix Noridian Tele Com 


IMPORTANT: All passwords assigned by Noridian which include a dollar sign ($) must be preceded with a backslash (\). See examples below:


Example A: Ab$-1234 (Noridian-assigned password)

Example B: Ab\$-1234 (MUST be entered by your office)   


Password given in Example A must be entered as shown in Example B.
Noridian requires a new password every 60 days. Your OnStaff program will reassign the passwords internally. You are not required to update the password.  




To be sure your office is following the instructions provided by Noridian, please refer to Noridian's email of 07/30/2013 in the white box below.






Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.

Support and Training   



EDI Support Services 

July 26, 2013 -- JE Education

Verifying Enrollment

For All JE Trading Partners


EDI Support Services (EDISS) has received all enrollments from the outgoing MAC, Palmetto GBA. This information has been loaded into our web based registration system, Total OnBoarding (TOB). All trading partners are able to verify this information by contacting EDISS to access their account. EDISS can be reached at Verifying this information is not required but is recommended if you have concerns regarding your enrollment.


EDI Support Services Contact Information:



Electronic Data Interchange Support Services (EDISS) is the EDI solution for various healthcare payers. EDISS exchanges electronic data for both Medicare and commercial business.







Jurisdiction E (JE)

Medicare A and B

CA, NV, HI, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands




Jurisdiction F (JF)


Medicare A and B





MN Medicare A





Blue Cross/Blue Shield










WSI, Vision and Dental
























This distribution is sent to subscribers wishing to receive the latest Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) updates. Direct all questions regarding the content of this Email to EDISS. Contact information is provided at the bottom of this document. Do not reply to this Email.


Some of the provider information contained on the EDISS email distribution is copyrighted by the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association. This includes items such as CPT codes and CDT codes. Information contained within this distribution is not intended to be republished or shared with Trading Partners who are not customers of EDI Support Services. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution or copying is prohibited. Due to different email settings, attachments may appear with this email. Please ignore any attachments that are included with this email. EDISS uses Total OnBoarding to gather the most current email contact listing of our Trading Partner community. If you wish to unsubscribe from EDI Support Services' Email Distribution, click here.


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