Prime Clinical Systems


Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.

3675 E. Huntington Drive

Pasadena, CA 91107




August 22, 2013



Dear Client,


Information as of 08-22-2013

Noridian Medicare Set Up and Status

for Direct Medicare Billing 


Prime Clinical Systems is ready to announce the new release for Noridian Electronic Transactions.


If your office is currently sending claims via a clearinghouse; i.e., Gateway EDI, Carpario Office Ally, Optum Insight, Zirmed, there are no Intellect requirements.


Please verify with your Clearinghouse if there will be a change in the payer office codes. If they require a new code, please update the information as shown below in the sample screens.    


Your Unix version will not change. However, Prime Clinical Support will need to upload several files before you may submit direct to Noridian.   

To get started, please follow the instructions listed within this email.


  1. Contact Noridian Medicare at 855-721-4184 and request to be Early-Boarded.

  2. Noridian will FAX you your Submitter ID and Password information.

  3. Fax is received back from Noridian to your office, which will include your Submitter Id and Password.

  4. September 16, 2013: Part B Medicare to Noridian Cutover date.

  5. Make the necessary changes for the New Noridian Payer ID codes in your system (see the Intellect documentation below for further instructions).  



OnStaff Unix: Utility/Insurance


Noridian Unix Utility-Insurance


1. Medicare Northern CA Part B - 01112  

2. Medicare Southern CA Part B - 01182

3. California Part A - 01111

4. Nevada - Part A - 01311

5. Nevada - Part B - 01312



OnStaff Unix: Utility/Insurance/Telecom


Unix Noridian Tele Com 


IMPORTANT: All passwords assigned by Noridian which include a dollar sign ($) must be preceded with a backslash (\). See examples below:


Example A: Ab$-1234 (Noridian-assigned password)

Example B: Ab\$-1234 (MUST be entered by your office)    


Password given in Example A must be entered as shown in Example B.
Noridian requires a new password every 60 days. Your OnStaff program will reassign the passwords internally. You are not required to update the password.   






Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.

Support and Training 



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