Prime Clinical Systems


Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.

3675 E. Huntington Drive

Pasadena, CA 91107




April 2, 2014




Dear Clients,  


To use the new HCFA 1500 Form (02-12), you must be on version 14.03.20.

For instructions on how to print the new HCFA form, please see Using the New HCFA 1500 Form below. 



Updating to version 14.03.20: 


If you have a current Intellect support maintenance contract:  

Refer to the following instructions to update your server, restart Services, and update your workstations.


 If your version is less than 9.12.35, click here.

 If your version is 9.12.35 or greater, click here.


If you have HCFA 1500 forms as part of your automated tasks, Prime Clinical will need to update your automated tasks for you. After you update to version 14.03.20, contact PCS at, or by phone at 626-449-1705.


 In the Subject Line of the email:  New HCFA Task Changes

 In the Body of the email: Client ID, contact person, and direct phone number.


If you do NOT have support:
Please contact as your office MUST have a current Intellect support maintenance contract before being updated.        



Using the New HCFA 1500 Form:

In Intellect, go to Billing --►Insurance --►Group or Batch of Patients.  

In the <Form Type> field: 


 For black and white forms, select NEW HCFA

 For the red and white forms, select NEW HCFA RED


Form Type - NEW HCFA 

Note: If your office uses the red and white HCFA Form, you may purchase them from Prime Clinical Systems. For more information on purchasing the new HCFA Form, please email


 In the Subject Line of the email: Order New HCFA

 In the Body of the email:  Client ID, contact name, and direct phone number.






Prime Clinical Systems, Inc.  


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