
News Updates | September 3, 2015

Get the ABCs of ICD-10


This week our daily Email Updates featured the ABCs of ICD-10:



Today, we’re sharing the full infographic, which offers a complete overview of how you can use the ABCs to get ready now.


You can post the infographic, available alongside the other ICD-10 infographics on the CMS ICD-10 website, on your website and social media platforms to share with your colleagues.

Please be sure to view and download the infographic via our website, where underlined text in the image below links to key documents.




Keep Up to Date on ICD-10
Visit the CMS ICD-10 website and Roadto10.org for the latest news and resources to help you
prepare, including the ICD-10 Quick Start Guide. Sign up for CMS ICD-10 Email Updates and
follow us on Twitter.

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