


Bill Unpaid Co-Pays


If patients have co-pays but do not pay them at the time of their appointment, as of version 9.12.32 it is possible to include unpaid co-pays on billing statements using the new Bill Copay option on the Charges --►Charge screen.


To bill a co-pay  from the Charges --►Charge screen:


1. Enter a patient account number and display his/her charges in the multi-line display area. The patient’s co-pay amount will also be shown in the <Co-Pay> field. In the example below, it shows that the patient has a $10 co-pay.


2. Highlight the line with the charge for which the co-pay remains unpaid and right click to display the right-click menu.


3. Highlight and click on Bill Copay (see below).




If a co-pay amount greater than zero on the Charges screen has been tagged using the Bill Copay option:


1. On the Ledger --►Open Item screen, the background will be red for the charge with the unpaid co-pay greater than zero:



2. When a statement is requested for that patient using Billing --►Statement --►Batch of Patients, the co-pay amount will be shown on the billing statement, identified as ‘Co-payment due’:



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