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 top  March/April 2011 Issue                                                                    Volume 4, Issue 2  



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5010 Requirements are Being Tested at Prime Clinical

Implementation of Ansi 5010
and ICD-10 

Prime Clinical Systems is currently testing the Ansi 5010 requirements, and has passed the first Edit Phase of the Translator Testing with Palmetto GBA. Once Palmetto is ready for the next Phase, Prime Clinical will commence with the testing in preparation for release in the third quarter of 2011.

Both OnSTAFF Intellect and OnSTAFF 2000 have the necessary changes completed in the database for the ICD-10 requirements. Testing for ICD-10 will follow the Ansi 5010 testing.  

To update your system with the new ICD-10 files, you may purchase the codes from any source you choose. However, the format must be in ASCI.



   User Meetings

PCS held two User Meetings this year: one in the Southern California region held February 9th, and a second in Northern California held March 10th and 11th.


At both User Meetings, various vendor partners attended and were available throughout the day to answer questions about their products and services. Vendors included: Ingenix (formerly ENS), Gateway EDI, P-verify, Dragon, and the Summit Funding Group. In addition to vendor presentations, special guest speaker Kathy Montoya discussed Palmetto GBA J1 Medicare Part B for CA and NV, and Meaningful Use.


Prime Clinical staff covered new features and implementation of features. Carole Hawkins, Stephanie Dilliard, and Celeste Seibert presented Intellect information, and PCM information was covered by Glen Zhou, Cindy McMichael, Oliver Cautivar, and Stephenie Sargiotto.


The Northern California meeting had guest speaker Sheilia Cook, the office manager at a Northern California orthopedics office who uses the PCM and Intellect products, discuss how they implemented the PCM product into their offices and sharing some of her techniques for success. 


Using what worked in this set of User Meetings, along with the suggestions provided by clients, Prime Clinical Systems is in the process of planning our next set of User Meetings. With your suggestions, we will continue to improve on the format and usefulness of the presentations. Watch for dates in the upcoming Prime Time News newsletters, and we hope to see you at the next User Meetings.  


PCM News

PCM Meaningful Use Workshops  

Prime Clinical Systems, Inc. is currently offering workshops to help providers and staff learn more about Meaningful Use. The workshops are for PCM version 5.5.600 and above and cover various Meaningful Use objectives as requested by users upon joining the session. If you have any requests for a certain topic to be discussed during the upcoming session, please email your request to in advance.


To access the workshop schedule, go to our website (click here), log-in, click on the [Workshops & Ongoing Classes] button, select PCM Workshops, then Hosted Workshops, and then Meaningful Use.



Intellect and OnSTAFF

Intellect Adds
New Claim Scrubbing Vendor  

Ingenix (formerly ENS) is now working with Prime Clinical Systems, Inc. as a third-party vendor in regard to claim scrubbing. Prime Clinical also continues to work with Silver Bill-It for claim scrubbing.


Claim Scrubbing is a process where, prior to billing, your diagnosis and procedure information is transmitted 'real time' to a vendor who passes the claim through a series of edits. Any errors are immediately reported in a pop up window on your claims entry screen - allowing staff to correct the claim at that time. Claim Scrubbing can dramatically decrease the percentage of rejected and denied claims.


For additional information on the types of scrubbing edits offered by Ingenix and Silver Bill-It and how to sign up for claim scrubbing, please click here.


For more information regarding system requirements and claim scrubbing training, please contact Prime Clinical at



Reduce Costs of Rejected Claims  

In 2009, a study* conducted by the Medical Group Management Association found that 15% of claims are rejected or denied, necessitating rework and resubmission. The study also listed $25 as the average cost per claim for rework and resubmission, which translates to approximately $68,000 per physician per year in time spent interacting with payers. If the cost was that high in 2009, imagine what it is now? Intellect can help you reduce those costs.





Industry News

CMS Advised by GAO to Resolve Disparities in Incentive Program 

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report in which it stated, "CMS must resolve differences in the meaningful use and electronic prescribing incentive payment programs."  


The Meaningful Use program and E-Prescribing program incentives are discussed in the report, including the inconsistencies in the incentive programs.


Per Modern Healthcare 2/18, the GAO recommended that the CMS administrator:


 Advise health care providers to adopt certified EHR systems

 Eliminate any overlapping e-prescribing reporting requirements in the two programs

 Review whether health care providers who receive e-prescribing incentive payments are meeting the program's requirements.


To read the GAO report, click here.   



HPTC Update April 2011

In the article linked below, the lefts for Medicare and medicaid Services (CMS) have released the summary of changes reflected in the Health Care Provider Taxonomy Code (HPTC) list. A/B MACs will update their HPTC tables with this new version effective on April 1, 2011. Providers are encouraged to review the information and to share with their staff.


To access the article, click here.


This article is also available on Prime Clinical's website. After logging in, click on Newsletter, select Industry News, then Palmetto Medicare, and then HPTC Update April 2011.  



Surescripts to Support
Public Health Reporting

Electronic prescribing vendor Surescripts will work with the American Hospital Association and the College of American Pathologists to enable hospital laboratories to electronically transmit data on reportable laboratory results to public health agencies via the Surescripts national network.


Read more>>



New Nationwide Collaboration To Leverage EHRs To Improve Care

Three major health organizations have teamed up to launch a program designed to improve outpatient care by increasing physicians' access to data through electronic health records, Healthcare IT News reports.


The three groups collaborating on the Guideline Advantage program are:


 The American Cancer Society;

 The American Diabetes Association; and

 The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.





Who's Who at PCS

New Employees and

 Position Change 

PCS has expanded with four new employees and a position change.


Southern California:

Those of you who are PCM clients may have already worked with Glen Zhou. He started at Prime Clinical in support, moved to training, and is now a PCM product specialist, teaching our Meaningful Use Workshops. Glen has a bachelors degree in computer science. 


Our Pasadena office has also recently added Alen Davoodian in PCM in training and implementation. Alen

has an Associated Degree in Computer Programming from Azad University in Tehran and has been providing computer support and training since 1996.


Alen Shahnazari received his bachelor's degree in Material Science Engineering in Iran and worked there building computers before coming to the United States. Once here, he graduated from IDT with a certificate as a Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional. Here at PCS, Alen builds servers, installs programs, and troubleshoots customers' hardware issues.


Northern California:

When you call the Northern California office you may hear some new voices. Please join us in welcoming Brijal Soni, our new Product Specialist and Lisa Siharath, our new Account Developer.


Brijal has a degree in computer science and experience working with physician practices in the implementation of EMR and Practice Management systems. She is bright, pleasant, and very easy going. Brijal can be reached at ext. 758.


Lisa is working on her degree in Marketing and has an extensive background in new account development. She will be out in the field most of the time and you will enjoy her energy and enthusiasm if she happens to pop into your office to say "hi!". Lisa can be reached at ext. 752.




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