Update Authorization Form

from Version 9.12.01 or Greater


Regardless of whether you plan to update your server yourself or you are requesting Prime Clinical to run the Live Update program: you should ALWAYS complete this form and return to PCS so we can update your Client Record with the version number you are updating to.  Knowing your version number is necessary if we find a critical error in the program and need to update clients with specific versions.


By signing this authorization form you acknowledge you are aware of the following:






Version you are updating from:                                                         



Version you are updating to:



Print your office Client ID and Name



Print contact name  












NOTE: When updating your system, Intellect will verify that your software maintenance contract is current. If not, the following message will be displayed indicating that your contract is not current.





Please refer calls regarding your software maintenance contract to Armineh Albarian at (626) 449-1705, option 2 or email to accounting@primeclinical.com.