Update Authorization Form

from Version less than 9.12.01


The current Intellect release is a major update which includes several new features, and will require everyone to log out of Intellect while the server is being updated. To reduce the time needed to load the update to your server the file has been zipped. Even so: depending upon your server and the connection to your office the update may take up to an hour or slightly more to load. The Live Update will need to be run twice on both the server and each workstation. The first time will load the zipped file; the second time will unzip the file. Attached are instructions to update the server and the workstations for this release. A Prime Clinical trainer or support agent can walk you through the process.


Due to the increased length of time and extra steps involved in this update, we request an authorized contact sign and return page one of this form to Prime Clinical Systems, fax: (626) 449-5615, attention: Jasmine.   


Your office MUST have a current Intellect support maintenance contract to be updated. The Live Update program will not run if your contract is not current. If you have any questions regarding your support contract please contact Armineh Albarian at (626) 449-1705, option 2 or email to accounting@primeclinical.com.


Regardless of whether you plan to update your server yourself or you are requesting Prime Clinical to run the Live Update program: you should ALWAYS complete this form and return to PCS so we can update your Client Record with the version number you are updating to. Knowing your version number is necessary if we find a critical error in the program and need to update clients with specific versions.


By signing the authorization form you acknowledge you are aware of the following:





___________________________________________________              _________________________________________________________

Version you are updating from:                                                                               Version you are updating to:



Print your office Client ID and Name


___________________________________________________________       _____________________________

Print contact name                                                                                                             Title


___________________________________________________________     _____________________________

Signature                                                                                                                             Date