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Electronic Claim Resources


Medicare EDI Claims Processing





How Electronic Claims Submission Works: The claim is electronically transmitted in data "packets" from the provider's computer modem to the Medicare contractor's modem over a telephone line. Medicare contractors perform a series of edits. The initial edits are to determine if the claims in a batch meet the basic requirements of the HIPAA standard. If errors are detected at this level, the entire batch of claims would be rejected for correction and resubmission. Claims that pass these initial edits, commonly known as front-end edits or pre-edits, are then edited against implementation guide requirements in those HIPAA claim standards. If errors are detected at this level, only the individual claims that included those errors would be rejected for correction and resubmission. Once the first two levels of edits are passed, each claim is edited for compliance with Medicare coverage and payment policy requirements. Edits at this level could result in rejection of individual claims for correction, or denial of individual claims. In each case, the submitter of the batch or of the individual claims is sent a response that indicates the error to be corrected or the reason for the denial.


After successful transmission, an acknowledgement report is generated and is either transmitted back to the submitter of each claim, or placed in an electronic mailbox for downloading by that submitter.


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