









Information on this page is provided as a service to our clients. It is current as of 03/29/2017 but may be changed by the State of California.


To access the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development's (OSHPD) Medical Information Reporting system for California (MIRCal), all facilities must first complete and submit these forms:


MIRCal User Account Administrator (UAA) Agreement (OSH-HID 773 Rev. January 2018)


Facility Contact Information (Rev June 2017)


Agent Designation  -- if applicable, see step 4 below. (OSH-HID 771 Rev. January 2018)



Copies of these forms may be obtained at this web site:



Please complete the following steps to register for MIRCal:


1. Determine who your MIRCal User Account Administrator(s) (UAA) will be. This individual will be given the ability to maintain the users who will have access to submit and correct your facility's confidential data. Maintenance includes adding and inactivating users, modifying user demographics, changing passwords, unlocking accounts and changing contact information for your facility. The UAA will be the central contact for your staff when handling user account related questions and issues. Each facility may designate as many as three MIRCal UAAs.


2. Once the MIRCal UAA(s) is determined, submit to OSHPD the completed User Account Administrator (UAA) Agreement form (OSH-HID 773) for each UAA appointed at your facility.


3. The Facility Contact Information form informs OSHPD of your facility's Primary, Secondary, and Administrator contacts. Complete and submit this form to OSHPD if you are a new facility or the UAA is unable to conduct user account and contact maintenance with the MIRCal system.


4. If you wish to have a third-party vendor submit data on behalf of your facility, it is necessary for you to submit to OSHPD a completed Agent Designation form (OSH-HID 771) authorizing them to submit your data. Please note that Designated Agents will only have access to submit data and retrieve summary reports of that data.


5. Send the completed forms to:


Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development

Patient Data Section

400 R Street, Suite 270

Sacramento, CA  95811-6213


Contact Information:
MIRCal Home:

Phone: (916) 326-3920


Fax: (916) 327-1262 or (916) 322-9555


Upon receipt and verification of these forms, OSHPD will confirm your enrollment by phone and provide you with MIRCal username, password and log-on assistance.


For use with OSH-HID 773 Rev. November 2011.


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