





Set Up






The Macros option defines the function key mappings for the standard Macro Groups shown below. It is recommended that each user be assigned one of the standard Macro Groups via the Utility --►Set Up --►Security--►Log In Users <Macro Group> field.



Macro groups may be defined for each operator to meet their specific job requirements. See Create a Custom Macro Group in this document.



In Intellect it is important to note that macros maybe used for internal or external tasks (applications or screens), but not to access menus.



1. To set up Macros in Intellect, go to Utility --► Set Up --►Security --►Macros



The Add MACROS screen displays:




2. Macro Group                            


2.1 Type the Utility --►Set Up --►Security--►Log In Users <Macro Group> number for the group to create or modify a macro.


3. CMD                                         


3.1 In the Add mode, this field defaults to 'a' and is bypassed.


3.2 In the Modify mode, the focus always starts here with a blank field: .


3.3 This field accepts these commands:


M: Modify

A: Add

D: Delete

ESC (returns the user to the <Macro Group> field)


4. Key                                            


4.1 KEY is the physical key or key combination from the keyboard that is assigned an executable function. 


4.2 Keys are specific to the individual Macro Group. They may represent the same executable or may be customized.


4.3 The entered key is case sensitive and must be unique within the group.



4.4 The selection of available keys is limited (case must match exactly).
F1-F4 or ctrl + f, such as:



(alt + F5) - (alt + F12)

(ctrl + F5) - (ctrl +F12)

(shift +F5) - (shift +F12)


5. TYPE                                         


5.1 Type indicates to the system whether this is an internal or external task.


5.2 Type either 'F' for an internal function, or 'E' for an external program.


6. MACRO DEFINITION              


The Macro Definition is dependent on whether it is for an internal function or an external function. For both internal and external functions, please note:


The information is case sensitive.


All underscores and white space must be identical to the description and command name.


After adding or modifying a macro, users must completely log-off and log back in to set the macro.


6.1 For internal functions, the macro definition is pulled from the Utility --►Set Up --►Menus --►Program Executables screen (sample below). Information in the <Description> and <Command Name> fields are combined to form the definition. Directions follow.




Use the last part of the description after the front slash. In this example, it is JOURNAL. Note: The information is case sensitive.



Use the first part of the command before the front slash. In this example, it is Journal. Note: The information is case sensitive.


6.1.3 Combine the two parts into a string, separated and ended by double ampersands. For example: JOURNAL&&Journal&&.


6.2 For external functions, the macro definition is a combination of the path of the application and the application name. In the example of the Paint program shown below, the application path is shown in the <Start in> field, and the application name is in the <Target> field. Directions follow.




Some external applications require the absolute path. In this example, it is C:\windows\System32\mspaint.



Some external applications require only the name of the application. In this example, it is mspaint.


6.2.3 Combine the two parts into a string, separated and ended by double ampersands. For example: C:\windows\System32\mspaint&&mspaint&&.


6.3 Intellect provides a comprehensive list of pre-configured Macro Definitions viewable by pressing [F2] twice in the <Macro Definition> field.



6.3.1 Select the desired option and click on it to insert it into this field.



Create A Custom Macro Group

Adding a Macro Group to the drop-down list for the <Macro Group> field on Utility --►Set Up --►Security--►Log In Users requires two areas:


Utility --►Set Up --►Log In Users --►Modify


Utility --►Set Up --►Field Choices  --►Modify


1. Go to Utility --►Set Up --►Log In Users --►Modify to get the <Macro Group> field name.


1.1 Enter the <User Number> and press [Enter]. If the <Password> field does not automatically populate, type the password into the <Password> field.                     


1.2 Click on the <Macro Group> drop-down list. With the drop-down list displayed, press [F1] to reveal the field name, which is SC_MACRO:



1.3 Write down the field name, and go to step 2.


2. Go to Utility --►Set Up --►Field Choices  --►Modify


2.1 In <Field Name>, type the field name from step 1.2 above: SC_MACRO.

The Table displays:



2.2 In the Command Column (CMD), type 'A' to add the new Macro Group to the drop-down list for the <Macro Group> field on the Utility --►Set Up --►Security--►Log In Users screen.


Populate the remaining fields, using the sample below as a guide:



2.2.1 Custom(Y/N): Type 'Y' to protect this Macro Group from being altered during any system update.


2.2.2 LN: Represents the order in the drop-down from lowest to highest.


2.2.3 Field Value: This value displays in the drop-down list:



2.2.4 Description: This displays in the [F2] Searching box:



Enter a description that clearly indicates the macros' purpose.   


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