





Specialty Registration


Medicare Patient Registration


Note: When registering Medicare patients, it is important to correctly complete the Utility --►Insurance and the Registration --►Regular --►Patient Insurance screens for secondary insurances. Failure to do so may result in rejections of electronically submitted claims.   


Please refer to the documentation below when adding Utility --►Insurance records, and when completing the Registration --►Regular --►Patient and Registration --►Regular --►Patient Insurance screens.



Set Up

Complete the fields indicated on the following screens:


1. Go to Utility --►Insurance --►Insurance


1.1 <COBA>: Enter Medicare's Medi-Gap code when applicable - refer to Medicare's Medi-Gap list. The Medi-Gap Insurance list is available on Medicare's web page.


1.2 <Claim Filing Indicator>: Press [F2] and select the most appropriate code from the list.



2. Go to Registration --►Regular --►Patient


2.1 <Category Code> field: For Medi-Medi patients, enter 'MM;' to register a Medicare Secondary Patient, enter 'MCR2;' and to register an HMO patient (i.e., IPA), enter 'HMO.'



3. Go to Registration --►Regular --►Patient Insurance

Set up the fields for the following options, as applicable:


o Medi-Medi Patient (2 methods)

o Medicare as Secondary Payor

o Medi-Gap Insurance Plans

o Supplemental Insurance Plans e.g., AARP)

o Non-MediGap and Non-Supplemental Insurances

o HMO Patient (i.e., IPA)



3.1 Medi-Medi Patient (2 methods)


Method 1: Offices who normally write off the Medi-Cal portion of the claim should set up these fields as noted:


<Insurance Company Code>: Enter 'MM'

<Subscriber No.>: Enter the Medicare subscriber #

<Group No>: Enter the Medi-Cal subscriber #

<Primary/Secondary>: Enter 'P1'

<Claim No> (Plan Name): Enter 'MEDI-CAL' - Note: This prints in Box 11C.


Method 2: Offices who normally get paid from Medi-Cal on Medi-Medi claims should set up these fields as noted:

If there are two insurances on one page, auto-posting can adjust off the Medicare (auto write off).


<Insurance Company Code>: Enter 'MCAR'

<Subscriber No.>: Enter the Medicare subscriber #

<Primary/Secondary>: Enter 'P1'

<Insurance Code>: Enter 'MCAL'

<Subscriber No>: Enter the Medi-Cal subscriber #

<Primary/Secondary>: Enter 'S1'



3.2 Medicare as Secondary Payor

Set up these fields as noted:


<Insurance Company Code>: Enter 'XX'

<Primary/Secondary>: Enter 'P1'

<Insurance Company Code>: Enter 'MCAR'

<Primary/Secondary>: Enter 'S1'

<Status>: Complete with one of the numeric choices shown below. When Medicare is the secondary, this field blank may not be left blank and an alpha option may not be selected.




3.3 Medi-Gap Insurance Plans

Medi-Gap insurances are 'Crossed Over' from Medicare to the secondary insurance.


Complete the patient's Secondary Insurance screen <Status> field as MG when the patient’s secondary insurance is on Medicare's Medi-Gap Insurance list.

Complete the Utility --►Insurance --►Insurance <COBA> field. Use Medicare's Medi-Gap Insurance list to find the correct Medi-Gap code. 



3.4 Supplemental Insurance Plans (e.g., AARP)

Supplemental insurances are 'Crossed Over' from Medicare to the secondary insurance. They do not have an assigned Medi-Gap code. 


Complete the patient's Secondary Insurance screen <Status> field as SP when the patient’s secondary insurance is on Medicare's Supplemental Insurance list. 

The Utility --►Insurance --►Insurance <COBA> field should be left blank.



3.5 Non-MediGap and Non-Supplemental Insurances

Non-MediGap and Non-Supplement insurances are NOT 'Crossed Over' by Medicare to the secondary carrier.


Complete the patient's Secondary Insurance screen <Status> field by pressing [F2] and selecting the appropriate code from the list. When none apply, leave blank.

The Utility --►Insurance --►Insurance <COBA> field should be left blank.



3.6 HMO Patient (i.e., IPA)

Set up these fields as noted:


<Insurance Company Code>: Enter 'XX'

<Claim No>: Enter the plan name - for example, Blue Cross Gold. This prints in Box 11C.


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