Version 9.12.18 and greater:
Effective version 9.12.18, the following changes were made on the Ledger --►Open Item screen:
• The charges information section has been expanded allowing the entire Provider, Facility (POS), and Referring Code information to display, along with 8 characters of the Modifier.
Note: Depending on the monitor size, font size (under Utility --►Set Up --►User Interface) and/or the monitor resolution, some characters in the left and right columns and the buttons at the bottom of the screen may be cut off. The font size may need to be adjusted to see the entire ledger screen. The smaller font size affects all the screens, not just the Ledger screen. If adjusting the font size through Intellect does not solve the problem, Windows settings may need to be changed. Windows settings are accessed through Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display/Appearance.
• An 'R' column has been added to the right to indicate when there is a comment on file for the charge. This is similar to what is currently in Ledger --► Accounting.
• Positive balances are now highlighted in green, negative balances (credit) are displayed in red, and when a balance is zero, the color remains the same color as the table.
Versions prior to 9.12.18: