
Home > Update_Authorization_Form_Intellect_greater_than_9-12-01_073112








From Version 9.12.01 or Greater




It is to your benefit to read this document in it's entirety before proceeding.

Regardless of whether you plan to update your server yourself or you are requesting Prime Clinical to run the Live Update program, you should ALWAYS complete this form and return it to PCS so we can update your Client Record with the version number to which you are updating. Knowing your version number is necessary if we find a critical error in the program and need to update clients with specific versions. Return the signed form to Prime Clinical Systems, fax: (626) 449-5615, attention: Support.   


Signing the authorization form acknowledges you are aware of the following:


Your staff will need to log out of the program while the server is being updated when indicated on the Release Notes


Your staff will need to run the Live Update task on each of the workstations after the server has been updated


You have read all applicable Release Notes and understand the affect the changes may have on your office


Your office should have a current, verified back up before the update is started


You have reviewed the Release Notes for Known Issues which may affect your office


Your office MUST have a current Intellect support maintenance contract to be updated. The Live Update program will not run if your contract is not current. If a message displays stating you don't have support, or you have any questions regarding your support contract, please contact Administration at (616) 449-1705, or email to In the Subject line of your email, include your Client ID and the word 'Update'. In the body of the email, please include a contact name and phone number.





Version you are updating from:                                                         



Version you are updating to:



Print your office Client ID and Name



Print contact name  











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