




Last updated: 03/02/2016 




Q. Is the Fee Schedule specialty specific?

A. No. The Fee Schedule is based on a Region, or area. Use the Fee Schedule for the area where your office does business. See the chart below.


Q. What do I need to know before I load the Fee Schedule?

A. The Region, and the location of the data in the file, based on your selection in the Approval Fields Chooser section of Intellect’s Import screen.


Q. Where can I find the Fee Schedule?

A. The Fee Schedule may be found in the home/staff/C: drive of each user’s work station. If the drive on the work station that is loading the Fee Schedule is not the C: drive, please contact Support for further assistance.


Q. How does the program load the information?

A. The program loads the information based on the CPT codes found on your system and in the Fee Schedule File. It does not load anything that is not found on your database. Always check the Fee Schedule and add or modify the information based on the need of your office.


Q. Will the program override the Fee Schedule I already have in my system? 

A. No. The program only adds the new Fee Schedule, based on the information entered in Intellect’s Utility --►Maintenance --►Import Data option and the data in your system.


Q. What happens if I accidentally load the Fee Schedule twice?

A. Intellect has an option to ‘Delete’ the Fee Schedule.


Q. How do I view a Provider’s fee schedule in Intellect?

A. Go to Utility --►Procedure --►Fee Schedule --►View.


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The Medicare Part B Physican Fee Schedule (MPFS) is available from Noridian in Excel or PDF format. Fee schedules are based on Region (i.e., California Area 09 - Santa Clara County, California Area 17 - Ventura County, etc. ). Offices need to know the Fee Schedule Region that applies to their office before loading the fee schedule. The file names are based on the Medicare Region Number.


2016: The CY 2016 MPFSDB fees posted are valid from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.

For offices who elected to be a participant during 2016, the limiting charges indicated on the report will not pertain to their practice. The non-participating fee schedule amounts and limiting charges do not apply to services or supplies unless they are paid under the physician fee schedule. Limiting charge applies to unassigned claims by non-participating providers. All services provided to Medicare beneficiaries are subject to audit and documentation requirements.


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