









Never change a Task name.


When entering values, place them between the quotation marks" ".











Appointment /Type Field <CallSTAFF Reminder> and  Utility Provider<CallSTAFF Reminder>


Task Parameter

Required Y/N


<parameter name="SCRIPT_NAME" value="reminder1"/>


Do Not Modify This Parameter. This tells the system which script to run and is set by PCS

<parameter name="MONDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule in the future today to call. For example, "TODAY + 1" means start calling tomorrows schedule today. In this case, call Tuesday's appointments  on Monday.

<parameter name="MONDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN MONDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example, if MONDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 1"/ use MONDAY_TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 2"/ to have the system call Tuesday's and Wednesday's appointments on Monday. To only call one day's appointments, make this equal to the FROM_DATE  value.

<parameter name="TUESDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule in the future from today to include. For example, "TODAY + 1" means start calling tomorrows schedule. In this case, call Wednesday's appointments on Tuesday.

<parameter name="TUESDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN TUESDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example if TUESDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 1"/ use TUESDAY_TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 2"/ to have the system call Wednesday's and Thursday's appointments on Tuesday. To only call one day's appointments, make this equal to the FROM_DATE  value.

<parameter name="WEDNESDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call for patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule in the future  from today to include. For example, "TODAY + 1" means start calling tomorrows schedule. In this case, call Thursday's appointments  on Wednesday.

<parameter name="WEDNESDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN WEDNEDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example if WEDNEDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 1"/ use WEDNESDAY TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 2"/ to have the system call Thursday's and Friday's appointments on Wednesday. To only call one day's appointments, make this equal to the FROM_DATE  value.

<parameter name="THURSDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call for  patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule in the future from today to include: for example "TODAY + 1" means start calling tomorrows schedule. In this case, call Friday's appointments  on Thursday.

<parameter name="THURSDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THURSDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example if THURSDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 1"/ use THURSDAY_TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 2"/ to have the system call Friday's and Saturday's appointments on Thursday. To only call one day's appointments, make this equal to the FROM_DATE  value.

<parameter name="FRIDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call for  patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule in the future from today to include : for example "TODAY +3" means start calling Monday's scheduled appointments  on Friday.

<parameter name="FRIDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN FRIDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example if FRIDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 3"/ use FRIDAY_TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 4"/ to have the system call  Monday's and Tuesday's  appointments on Friday. To only call one day's appointments, make this equal to the FROM_DATE  value.

<parameter name="SATURDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call for  patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule in the future from today to include : for example "TODAY + 1" means start calling tomorrows schedule. In this case, call Sunday's schedule  on Saturday.

<parameter name="SATURDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN SATURDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example if SATURDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 1"/ use SATURDAY_TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 2"/ to have the system call Sunday's and Monday's appointments on Saturday.

<parameter name="SUNDAY_FROM_DATE" value="TODAY + 1"/>


The value "TODAY + 1" means call for  patients scheduled for tomorrow on this day. Change the numeric value to indicate which day's schedule  from today to include : for example "TODAY + 1" means start calling tomorrows schedule. In this case, Tuesday on Monday.

<parameter name="SUNDAY_TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 1 "/>


Used to include extra day(s) in this days calling. This value MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN SUNDAY_FROM_ DATE. For example if SUNDAY_FROM_ DATE value ="TODAY + 1"/ use SUNDAY_TO_ DATE value = "TODAY" + 2"/ to have the system call Monday's and Tuesday's appointments on Sunday.  To only call one day's appointments, make this equal to the FROM_DATE  value.

<parameter name="CALL_FROM_TIME_1" value="09:00 AM"/>


This is the starting time for the first of two possible periods for calling patients. To change this entry, type the time, keeping the proper formatting of "00:00 AM" or "00:00 PM". This time must be earlier than CALL_TO_TIME_1

<parameter name="CALL_TO_TIME_1" value="12:00 PM"/>


This is the ending time for the first of two possible periods for calling patients. To change this entry, type the time, keeping the proper formatting of "00:00 AM" or "00:00 PM". This time must be later than CALL_FROM_TIME_1

<parameter name="CALL_FROM_TIME_2" value="01:00 PM"/>


This is the starting time for the second of two possible periods for calling patients. To change this entry, type the time, keeping the proper formatting of "00:00 AM" or "00:00 PM". To not use this period, set this time the same as CALL_TO_TIME_2

<parameter name="CALL_TO_TIME_2" value="05:00 PM"/>


This is the ending time for the second of two possible periods for calling patients. To change this entry, type the time, keeping the proper formatting of "00:00 AM" or "00:00 PM". If you wish to use this second calling period, this time must be later than CALL_FROM_TIME_2.  To not use this period, set this time the same as CALL_TO_TIME_2

<parameter name="CALL_BEFOR_APPOINTMENT" value="10"/>


This is the amount of hours before a scheduled appointment when the system is to stop calling. The default is to not call patients whose appointment is "10" hours away. Change this value to suit the practice.

<parameter name="CALL_BUSY_TRY" value="3"/>


This is the amount of times to keep calling when a busy signal is received. The default is to keep trying 3 times. Change this value to suit the practice.

<parameter name="CALL_NO_ANSWER_TRY" value="3"/>


This is the amount of times to keep calling when there is no answer. The default is to keep trying 3 times. Change this value to suit the practice.

<parameter name="CALL_DAYS_OF_WEEK" value="Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun"/>



<parameter name="CALL_HOLIDAYS" value="01/01/2000, 07/04/2008, 09/01/2008, 11/27/2008, 12/25/2008, 01/01/2009"/>


These are dates NOT to call patients. Dates need to be updated ever year. Keep the same formatting MM/DD/YYYY and use a comma to separate them. There must always be a value in this field. To call on holidays, leave the 01/01/20XX date and clear the rest.

<parameter name="DR_CODE" value=""/>


Do Not Modify This Parameter. Every Doctor record must be modified by going to Utility--► Provider and setting the <CallSTAFF Reminder> field to either "Y" or "N" and click the screen <Modify> button.

<parameter name="APPOINTMENT_TYPE" value=""/>


Do Not Modify This Parameter. Every Appointment Type record must be modified by going to Utility --►Set Up --►Appointment --►Appointment Type and setting the <CallSTAFF Reminder> field to either "Y" or "N" and click the screen <Modify> button.

<parameter name="PHONE_TO_CALL" value="HOME_PHONE"/>


The Patient Registration screen <Home Phone No> field may be changed to CELL_PHONE.
Effective version 9.12.08
: CallSTAFF can now call either the <Home Phone No> first and, if the <Home Phone No> field is blank/null or if it has an invalid number of characters in the phone number, the system can then try the <Cell Phone No>. This can also be set up to call the cell first, then home by replacing "HOME_PHONE" with "CELL_PHONE".
If the program attempts to call the first number and there is no answer, it does not call the second number. It only calls the second number if the first is blank or invalid.  


Note: CallSTAFF does not call the second number if the first number was not answered or was busy.

<parameter name="CALL_METHOD" value="TWILIO_SMS"/>


If the appointment reminder method is a phone call, enter "TWILIO"; if the method is a text (Effective version 15.05.12) , enter "TWILIO_SMS" (as shown in the sample to the right).
Note: If reminders are being sent via text, "PHONE_TO_CALL" must be "CELL_PHONE" (see parameter above).

<parameter name="RECALL" value="Y"/>


When sending appointment reminders via text, if this is set to Y, a text is sent even if the appointment has already been confirmed.
Note: If this parameter is not included, it is the same as having RECALL set to N.


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