









This task uses a printout and has the following task task_name parameter.


<report report_name="FORM_RECALL" printer_name="HP" email_addresses=""  fax_numbers="" secondry_printer="PDF_PTR" number_of_copies="1">


NEVER change the task_name.


to have the automated task always print the output, click Print Paper Statements for instructions.


to have the automated task EMAIL the output when an email address is available, and print the output to the printer when there is not an email address on file, click Email Statements for instructions.


to have the automated task FAX the output when a fax number is available, and print the output to the printer when there is not a fax number on file, click FAX Statements for instructions.


When entering values place them between the quotation marks" ".








                      Schedule --►Recall --►Print

Task Parameter

Required Y/N

Corresponding Screen/ Field Name


<parameter name="CRITERIA" value="" />


Selection Criteria

Define the parameter using an alphabetical range hyphenated such as A-L to return patient accounts where the last name begins with any letters in the range of A-L.

<parameter name="FROM_ACCOUNT" value=""/>


Account From

Allows users to define the recall list (forms or labels) to print based on account number. Leave blank to select all patients that meet any other criteria entered below, OR use this parameter to set the lowest account number to print.

 <parameter name="ACCOUNT_TO" value="" />


Account To

Allows users to define the recall list (forms or labels) to print based on account number. Leave blank to select all patients that meet any other criteria entered below, OR use this parameter to set the highest account number to print.

<parameter name="FROM_DATE" value="TODAY" />


From Date

The value "TODAY" means send Recalls for  patients scheduled for today that meet the other parameters. Change the numeric value to indicate how many days from today to start: for example "TODAY + 1" means starting tomorrow or "TODAY -1" means yesterday.

<parameter name="TO_DATE" value="TODAY + 15" />


To Date

This is defaulted to include recalls 15 days in advance of the current date. Change the numeric value to indicate how many days from today to include: for example "TODAY + 1" means end date tomorrow

<parameter name="PRINT_TYPE" value="Form" />


Print Type

Values = List, Form, PATIENT_LABEL, Voice Message, or Text to Voice.

<parameter name="RM_CODE" value="" />


Remark Code

Use with the  <Print Type> "Form" option.












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