Effective Version 13.01.11 (1/11/2013)
For all Worker's Compensation files that require an attachment, Intellect adds a new folder called EB_ATTACHMENT: This folder is shared on the Server.
All attachment files should be in the EB_ATTACHMENT folder on the server under home/staff/app/EB_ATTACHMENT. All file attachments must be stored by the user to this folder.
When the user adds the encounter with the unique filename, Intellect performs a search when a claim is sent and connects the attachment file to the claim.
If the file is not found or does not exist in the users EB_ATTACHMENT folder, Intellect prints 'Attachment Not found or Missing' on the Electronic Billing report.
Effective Version 14.10.08 (10/08/2014)
For PCM users only: For PCM users who are sending claims via WC WEDI, there is a program that PCM requires to be registered with Windows to allow for the EB attachments from PCM to be automatically pulled over to Intellects EB_attachment folder.
To set up this function, go to the /home/staff/app/lib and be sure the file ‘docserverint.dll’ exists in this folder.
Once it is confirmed that the file exists, click on the ‘run’ option of the server and type regsrv32, then ‘drag’ the file name to append the wording previously typed, and press <Enter>. This registers this program in Windows.