


OnSTAFF 2000


Back Up Log Sheet

Prime Clinical Systems CLIENT BACK UP VERIFICATION LOG for the Month of :  ____________________


It is your responsibility to insure the quality of the tape, to verify the back up ran and completed successfully, and to verify that the date of your database file, file.db, is the last date any activity (posting/data entry/automated functions) was done on your system.  The file size can remain the same, increase, or decrease, depending on blocks used, reconfigures, etc., thus the file size IS NOT USED in the verification process.

To verify that your back up ran last evening, log into the OnSTAFF program. The previous day’s tape should still be in the tape drive. If not, place it there. Press [Ctrl][E] to display the EXTERNAL OPTIONS MENU.  Select Tape Operation, then select View.  The back up program will read all the files that were backed up onto the back up tape and will display only your database file(s) so your screen will remain blank until these file(s) are found.  Look for a file name /u/staff/bin/file.db (or in some cases, simply ./file.db).  An example of how the entire line should display is:


rwxrwxrwx201/50 827499164 Feb 09 17:03 2008 /u/staff/bin/file.db


In this example, 827499164 indicates the size of the file whose date is February 09 2008.  The date should be the last date any activity (posting/data entry/automated functions) was done on your system and may not necessarily be yesterday’s date.  If you are unsure about the displayed date call Prime Clinical Systems.  Using this displayed screen, record the requested information for the first four columns of this log.  When the viewing of the tape is complete (minimum 10 minutes), press any key to continue will display on the screen:  Press [Enter] to exit back to the EXTERNAL OPTIONS MENU, then press [E] to exit the EXTERNAL OPTIONS MENU. 



This backup verification log should be kept near your main server and updated daily.