





Set Up






The Printer Report option is used to determine which physical printer will be the default (option displayed first) for various manual printing tasks. It is possible to have different items printed by different printers. Each field for the selected clinic should have a valid Windows printer name as entered in Utility --►Set Up --►Printer --►Device.


Notes for Linux server clients:

1. As of Version 9.12.11, The update process on Linux servers may cause a problem with the ability to print from Intellect due to changes in the Utility --►Set Up --►Printer --►Report table. Clinics with a Linux server should NOT update their own system without advising Prime Clinical beforehand so this problem can be avoided. There is no fix required for this issue. However, offices with a Linux server be sure to have a current, verified Back Up prior to update so if the Printer Report table is over-written PCS can restore the file from the Back Up.

2. If an office has the automation running on a workstation, not on their server, they need to 'stop' and 'start' the services monthly. The types of clients this affects are: a) Clinics who have a Linux server and have the automation running on a workstation, and b) Offices with VOSINC who were switched to have their automation on a workstation.



1. To set default printers in Intellect, go to Utility --►Set Up --►Printer --►Report --►Add:



The Add Report_Printer screen opens:




2. Clinic No.                                       


2.1 Type the number of the clinic for which to define screen printer defaults.


3. User Number                              


3.1 Version 9.12.10 - Modification. The screen was changed to meet HIPAA requirements. Previously, the screen required the <Clinic No> and the Password to be entered. To meet requirements, the program now requires the <Clinic No> and <User Number> to be entered, eliminating the necessity of management knowing the users' password. This modification supports the changes made in version 9.12.03 to help facilitate the management of operator's passwords. The Report table is used to assign default printers for each operator based on their password.


3.2 Enter the user number.


4. Populate the screen with the Utility --►Set Up --►Printer --►Device <Printer Code>(s), as desired.


5. When the information is completely entered, select one of these options:



5.1 Click [Add] to clear the screen and return the focus to the <Printer Code> field, saving the new device.


5.2 Click [Clear] to display this message:



5.2.1 Click [Yes] to clear the screen and return the focus to the <Clinic No.> field, saving the defaults.


5.2.2 Click [No] to clear the screen and return the focus to the <Clinic No> field without saving.


 5.3 Click [Exit] to display this message:



5.3.1 Click [Yes] to clear the screen and return the focus to the main screen, saving the defaults.


5.3.2 Click [No] to clear the screen and return the focus to the main screen without saving.


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