









View Worker


This menu option is used to view the information for an individual patient, including insurance. Changes and additions may not be made on this screen. To make changes and/or additions to an existing patient’s information, go to Registration --► Worker --► Worker --► Modify.


1. To access the View WORKER screen in Intellect, go to Registration --► Worker --► Worker --► View:



1.1 The View WORKER screen opens:



2. As can be seen above, the fields on the View WORKER screen are the same as those on the Add WORKER screen (accessed through Registration --► Worker --► Worker --► Add), with the exception of the buttons at the bottom of this screen:



3. Click on the [View Insurance] button to display the View WORKER  INSURANCE screen where insurance information is displayed:



3.1 Effective Version 13.01.03: [<<Back] and [Next>>] butstons were added to the bottom of the View WORKER INSURANCE screen (see above) so each individual insurance may be seen. In prior software versions, it was only possible to view the first insurance for patients having multiple insurances. 


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