













Print Receipt Reports


Video Available: Click Receipts to access the link. Depending on the system set up, the media player may need to be activated. Speakers need to be attached to the workstation to hear the instructions.


Note: To view the videos, log-in through the website. Current support is required.


This option is used to print a report of patient payment receipts. The receipts are created and saved via Schedule --► Appointment --► Receipt --►Add.


For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: If credit card payments from the patient are collected online via Patient Portal (for PCM users) or Online Payment Portal (for Intellect only users), this option allows generating a Receipt Report by operator number 50000 to identify payments collected online as noted in the applicable fields below. For details on the setup requirements for collecting patient credit card payments online, see online documentation for Additional Features --► Patient Portal --► Patient Access and Additional Features --► Online Payment Portal.


1. To print a patient payment receipts report in Intellect, go to Schedule --► Appointment --► Print Report Receipt


The Print Report Receipt screen opens:


Effective version 9.12.10 Field Modification. The one- and two-character code choices on the drop down lists have been replaced with explanatory choices, making the code selection more user-friendly and comprehensive. Note: The drop-down list descriptions for the code choices have remained the same, allowing correlation between the old and new code choices.


2. Report Option                


2.1 Select a report option from the drop-down list. If no selection is made, it defaults to Current Receipts (the recommended option).


2.2 Click on the field, OR press the [F2] key to display the valid choices. To view the list of only the codes, click on the arrow.


Select by clicking on the correct code, OR use the ↑ (up) and ↓ (down) arrows to highlight the correct code and then press the [Enter] key to select.


Effective version 9.12.10




All versions prior to 9.12.10


2.3 For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: To run a receipt report to identify patient payments made online, it is suggested this field is set to 'Current Receipts.'


3. Subtotal By                     


3.1 The default subtotal is Grand Total, which is the recommended option.


3.2 Accept this default OR use the drop-down list to make an alternate selection.


Effective version 9.12.10




All versions prior to 9.12.10


3.3 For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: To run a receipt report to identify patient payments made online, it is suggested this field is set to 'Grand Total Only.’


4. Collected By                   


4.1 This field allows filtering the report to only include receipts for a specific operator(s) by entering their code(s).


4.2 Leave this field blank to review all receipts collected by the staff.


4.3 To accommodate multiple operator numbers, this field accepts multiple values separated by a comma.


4.4 For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: To run a receipt report to identify patient payments made online, enter 50000 in this field.


5. Payment Method            


5.1 This field allows filtering the report to only include receipts for a specific payment method by selecting a specific type.


5.2 Leave this field blank (the default) to request all payment methods OR use the drop-down list to make a selection.



5.3 For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: To run a receipt report to identify patient payments made online, leave this field blank.


6. Facility                           


6.1 This field allows filtering the report to include only receipts for a specific Utility --► Facility <Facility Code>.


6.2 Leave this field blank to request all locations.


6.3 For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: To run a receipt report to identify patient payments made online, leave this field blank.


7. Date Selection              


7.1 This field allows filtering the report to include receipts based the actual Entry Date of the receipt or the <Date of Service> populated on the Add RECEIPT screen. Select an option from the drop-down list.


7.2 Click on the field, OR press the [F2] key to display the valid choices. To view the list of only the codes, click on the arrow.


Select by clicking on the correct code, OR use the (up) and (down) arrows to highlight the correct code and then press the [Enter] key to select.


Effective version 9.12.10



All versions prior to 9.12.10


7.3 NOTE: ‘Entry Date’ is recommend when running a receipt report for end of day balancing.


7.4 For Patient Portal or Online Payment Portal: If running a receipt report to identify patient payments made online, it is suggested to select 'Entry Date.'


8. From Date                     


8.1 Type the beginning date to include in this report. If left blank, this field defaults to the current calendar date.


9. To Date                          


9.1 Type the latest date to include in this report. Default is always the current calendar date.


10. When the information is completely entered, select one of these options:


10.1 Select [Print] to display a printer dialog box:



Printer Properties: 


10.1.1 Printer: The default printer is based on the logged-in user and clinic. In this example, the default printer is HP which may or may not be setup on your system.


To view the list of printer codes, either click on the arrow, OR press the → (right arrow) on the keyboard. 


To select a different printer, type the first character of the printer name on the keyboard, OR click on the code, OR use the ↑ (up) and ↓ (down) arrows to highlight the correct code; then press the [Enter] key to select.


10.1.2 Number of Copies: This field defaults to either 0 (zero) or 1 which both print one copy. To print more than one copy, enter the number of copies.




In addition to printing receipts, Intellect provides the capability to export reports to Email, Fax, Disk, or Archive. A secondary printer may also be selected, if one is set up, by clicking on the arrow to display the drop-down list.


10.1.3 Select the [Print] button to send the request to the printer (or as a Fax or email). NOTE: When <Print Receipt> is set to ‘NO,’ the Patient/Office Receipt is not generated.


10.1.4 Select the [Cancel] button to close the printer dialog box without printing.


10.2 Click [Clear] to clear all information and return the focus to the <Report Option> field without saving.


10.3 Click [Exit] to clear the screen and return the focus to the main Intellect screen without saving. 


View Sample Receipt Report


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