Monthly Doctor
This option is used to create a report that calculates the number of patients per Doctor based on the Appointment Schedule (not charges posted). The Monthly Doctor report displays each doctor and the number of patients (with a status of ‘Added’ or ‘Modify’) scheduled for each day. The report also displays a daily total for all doctors, a monthly total for each doctor, and a ‘Grand Total’ of all patients.
1. To run a Monthly Doctor report, go to Schedule --►Appointment --►Reports --►Monthly Doctor:
The Monthly Doctor Appointment Report screen opens:
2. From Date:
2.1 Type the beginning Appointment Schedule date (not charges posted date) to include on the report.
3. To Date:
3.1 Type the ending Appointment Schedule date (not charges posted date) to include on the report.
4. Status:
4.1 This field indicates the categories in which patients may be selected. The categories correlate to those listed in the Appointment History.
4.2 Click on the arrow key to display the drop-down menu and make a selection.
4.3 To view the list of Status types and their descriptions, press the [F2] key to display a list of valid options:
5. Provider Code:
5.1 This field is used to limit the report to specific patients based on Utility --►Provider --►Provider <Provider Code>.
5.2 More than one Utility --►Provider --►Provider <Provider Code> may be entered. A comma and a space must be between each code; for example: 4, 13, 22.
5.3 Enter the Utility --►Provider --►Provider <Provider Code>(s) of the doctor(s) for whom a report is being requested.
5.4 Press the [F2] button twice to display a list of doctors and their associated Provider Codes.
6. Place of Service:
6.1 This field is used to limit the report to specific patients based on Utility --►Facility <Place of Service>.
6.2 More than one Utility --►Facility <Place of Service> code may be entered. A comma and a space must be between each code; for example: AMI, CSMC, LBMH.
6.3 Enter the code(s) for the location where the appointment took place.
6.4 Press the [F2] button twice to display a list of service locations and their associated codes.
7. Appointment Group:
7.1 This field is used to limit the report to specific patients based on Appointment Group (see 7.3).
7.2 More than one Appointment Group may be entered. A comma and a space must be between each code; for example: 4, 13, 22.
7.3 Enter the appropriate Appointment Group(s) as set up in Utility --►Set Up --►Security --►Login User <Appointment Group> and Utility --►Provider --►Provider <Appointment Group>.
8. Appointment Type:
8.1 This field is used to limit the report to specific patients based on Appointment Type (see 8.3).
8.2 More than one Appointment Type may be entered. A comma and a space must be between each code; for example: NP, EKG, CARDIO.
8.3 Enter the appropriate Appointment Type(s) as set up in the Utility --►Set Up --►Appointment --►Appointment Type screen.
9. When the information is completely entered, select one of these options:
9.1 Select [Monthly Doctor] to display a printer dialog box:
9.1.1 Printer Properties: Printer: The default printer for the logged-in clinic and password is selected. To select a different printer, either click on the arrow, OR press the → (right arrow) on the keyboard to view the list of printer codes. In our example, the defaulted Printer is HP. This is just an example of a printer name and may or may not be set up on the system.
To select the printer type, click on the code, OR use the ↑ (up) and ↓ (down) arrows to highlight the correct code; then press the [Enter] key to select. Number of Copies: This field defaults to either 0 (zero) or 1. Both print 1 copy. To print more than one copy, enter the number of copies.
9.1.2 Fax/Email:
In addition to printing reports, Intellect provides the capability to export reports to an Excel spreadsheet, Email, Fax, Disk, or Archive. A secondary printer may also be selected by clicking on the arrow to display the drop-down list.
9.1.3 Select the [Print] button to send the request to the printer (or as a Fax or email).
9.1.4 Select the [Cancel] button to clear the screen and return to the Monthly Doctor Appointment Report screen without saving or printing.
9.2 Select [Clear] to remove any information already entered on the Monthly Doctor Appointment Report screen.
9.3 Select [Exit] to close the Monthly Doctor Appointment Report screen.
Sample Monthly Doctor report: