Check Slip
Detail Use Per Patient
Menu Option Effective Version 9.12.09
The Check Slip/Detail Use Per Patient option returns a report with entries for each account and includes a breakdown per patient with the patient name displayed. This report may be requested for the total clinic or for any single provider.
With this Management Report, Intellect provides the capability to print, export to Excel spreadsheet, Email, Fax, or send a request to Archive.
Please note that with all management reports, the patient's Category and Insurance at the time of posting from the Charge screen is associated with that item forever.
1. To display the Print Detail Per Patient screen in Intellect, go to Management --► Check Slip --► Detail Use Per Patient
The Print Detail Per Patient screen opens:
2. Report
2.1 Version 9.12.09 Field Modification. The single-character code choices on the drop-down list have been replaced with complete word choices to make the code selection easier.
2.2 Use the drop-down list to select the type of report.
2.3 'Blank' is not a valid selection.
2.4 Press the [F2] key OR click directly on the field to display the valid choices:
2.4.1 Clinic: Returns a report with a single line for each entry showing check number (or other method of payment), and the dollar amount.
2.4.2 Provider: Returns a report with a single line for each entry showing check number (or other method of payment), and the dollar amount, for the requested provider. If the <Provider Code> field (see below) is left blank, the report displays a section for each provider.
3. Provider Code
3.1 Enabled only when the Provider option is selected for the <Report> field (see above). When enabled, an entry is required.
3.2 Only a single entry is accepted.
3.3 Type the Utility --►Provider --►Provider <Provider Code> to print the payments for this provider.
4. From Date
4.1 Enter the earliest entry date to include on this report.
4.2 The set of dates is required and defaults to the current system date.
5. To Date
5.1 Enter the latest entry date to include on this report.
5.2 The set of dates is required and defaults to the current system date.
6. Operator
6.1 Leave blank (the default is all operators) for all code types.
6.2 To request the report for a specific operator, type the <User Number> as set up in Utility --► Set Up --► Security --► Log In Users.
7. Check No.
7.1 Leave blank (the default is all checks) for all code types.
7.2 To request the report for a specific check, type the check number as entered in Charges --►Charges <Check#>.
8. Sort By
8.1 This field is used to change the order by which the entries appear without changing the format of the option.
8.2 Press the [F2] key to display the valid choices with their descriptions:
Note: If nothing is selected for this field (i.e., it is left blank), the report is sorted by 'Account Number.'
9. Unapplied Receipts
9.1 Version 9.12.09 New Field. The new field is useful only if the office uses the Schedule --►Appointment --►Receipt --►Add Receipt option for patient office payments AND posts the payments collected using the Payment --►Apply Receipt feature. If so, the payments received and entered in Receipt which have NOT yet been posted through Apply Receipt are included on the Check Deposit Slip - Detail Use Per Patient ‘Unapplied Receipts’ report. This feature has been added to help reconcile the bank deposit.
NOTE: The <From Date> and <To Date> fields indicate the system posting/entry date on Check Deposit Slip report and the calendar date for the Unapplied Receipts report. To include all payments posted/applied to charges and unapplied receipts added on the same day, either the entry date must be current to the calendar date OR date range must be entered which includes both the System Posting date and Calendar date.
9.2 Press [F2] to display the valid choices:
9.2.1 Select 'No' to NOT have unapplied receipts included in the report. This option includes only payments that have been posted/applied to charges.
9.2.2 Select 'Yes' to have unapplied receipts included in the report.
NOTE: A separate Check Deposit Slip prints for ‘Unapplied Receipts’.
9.2.3 Not making a selection (leaving the field as 'blank') acts the same as selecting 'No'.
10. Batch No
10.1 Effective version 18.06.01 - New field.
10.2 This field correlates to the batch number entered in the <Batch No> field on the Payment menus. This field acts as a filter since a batch number used on one of the Payment menu screens may be entered to include only those payments with the desired criteria entered in the Check Slip options.
11. When the information is completely entered, select one of these:
11.1 Select [Print] to display the printer box:
11.1.1 Printer Properties: Printer: The default printer for the logged-in clinic and password is selected. To select a different printer, either click on the arrow, OR press the → (right arrow) on the keyboard to view the list of printer codes. In our example, the defaulted Printer is HP. This is just an example of a printer name and may or may not be set up on the system.
To select the printer type, click on the code, OR use the ↑ (up) and ↓ (down) arrows to highlight the correct code; then press the [Enter] key to select. Number of Copies: This field defaults to either 0 (zero) or 1. Both print 1 copy. To print more than one copy, enter the number of copies.
11.1.2 Fax/Email:
In addition to printing reports, Intellect provides the capability to export reports to an Excel spreadsheet, Email, Fax, Disk, or Archive. A secondary printer may also be selected, if one is set up, by clicking on the arrow to display the drop-down list.
11.1.3 Select the [Print] button to send the request to the printer (or as a Fax or email).
If no payments were posted for the <From Date>/<To Date> fields and report criteria was entered, one of these pop-up warnings display:
Click [Ok] to return to the Print Detail per Patient screen.
11.1.4 Select the [Cancel] button to clear the screen and return to the Print Detail per Patient screen without saving or printing.
11.2 Select [Clear] to remove any information already entered on the Print Detail per Patient screen.
11.3 Select [Exit] to close the Print Detail per Patient screen and return to the main Intellect menu.
Sample Check Slip/Detail Use per Patient Reports