









Intellect Changes Affecting PCM Charges


The following modifications in Intellect affect PCM charges. The modifications are applicable only for clients who use Patient Chart Manager, in addition to OnSTAFF Intellect.



Updates are listed in chronological order, with the most recent first:



Version 21.11.09

FIX PCM --►Charge Posting to Intellect

Release Note



Version 17.06.09

NEW FIELD Utility --►Diagnosis --►Diagnosis -- <PCM Favorite>

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 16.02.22

MODIFICATION Charges --►Charge - Importing/Receiving Charges from PCM

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Parameter - <PCM Charge Lookup in Days>

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 15.06.10

MODIFIED FEATURE Charges --►Charge - <Diagnosis Code> field

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 14.07.11

NEW FEATURE Charges --►Encounter -- PCM Documents

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 13.08.20

NEW FIELDS Utility --►Set Up --►Parameter -- <Auto post PCM> and <PCM Delay Import>

Release Note

Online Documentation


MODIFICATION Charges --►Charge Review -- importing charges change 

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.35, released August 2012

Charges --►Charge -- facilitate more than one fee schedule

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.21, released October 26, 2011

Note: Due to additional programming needs, this item was recalled for release at a later date.

NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Parameter -- <Attach Encounter>

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.18, released August 2011

NEW OPTION Billing --►Statement by Group --►Batch -- Patient Portal - credit card payments

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version unknown, May  2011

Misc --►View Report: Track Charge Imports

Release Note - not available

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.12, released November 2010

Charges --►Charge Review: Review Imported Charges

Release Note

Online Documentation



Miscellaneous Items


Version 17.10.20

NOTIFICATION Payment -- Patient Portal and

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.03, released March 23, 2010

Three modifications (see release note). Applicable only for clients who import charges from Patient Chart Manager to OnSTAFF Intellect.

Release Note (modifications are at the very bottom of the release note under Miscellaneous Items)



Version 9.10.21, released October 2009

MODIFICATION - Import data from PCM

Release Note

Online Documentation



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