









Misc Intellect Changes Affecting PCM


The following modifications in Intellect affect PCM. The modifications are applicable only for clients who use Patient Chart Manager, in addition to OnSTAFF Intellect.

Note: This document does NOT include changes affecting charges. Modifications in regard to charges are listed in Intellect Changes Affecting PCM Charges.


Scroll through the updates in the body of this document (listed in chronological order, with the most recent first), or click on the topic list below to go directly to an area where changes have been made. Additional information is given in the online documentation in the section affected by the change.


Advanced Directive Form

Apply Additional Demographics

Appointment Type

Appointments populate in PCM

Body Parts, comments

CCDA and ADT data to hospitals


CPDREG <Facility Code>

Create Chart



Emergency contact/phone

Export Reports

File PDF forms

HIE Communication

HIE Endpoint

HIE Request

Meaningful Use - Appointment Type

Meaningful Use - Race/Ethnicity

Office Task Manager

Patient Chart progress notes

Patient Portal - <Race> field

Patient Portal - Make Appointment

PCM documents

PDF report saved as document


<STP DR> field displays in PCM

Task: PCM DIT Updates

Task: Archive PCM Log File

Telemedicine <PCM Tab> field

Telemedicine Right-click option - <Access to Chart> field

Telemedicine Right-click option - Schedule an Appointment tab

Telemedicine Right-click option - split screen

Telemedicine Right-click option - Visits Notes tab

Track ICD-10 Code Usage

WebStaff Appointment Types




Version 21.01.27

NEW Utility --►Task Manager -- PCM DIT Updates

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW Utility --►Task Manager -- Archive PCM Log File

Release Note

Online Documentation


Version 20.07.27

NEW FIELD Utility --► Set Up --► Appointment --► Appointment Type <WebStaff Access>

Release Note

Online Documentation


MODIFICATION Schedule --► Appointment --►Full Day --► Day Tab, Week Tab, Month Tab & Appointment List Tab – Right Click Menu / Telemedicine - Schedule an Appointment tab

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 20.06.11

MODIFICATION Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day --►Day Tab, Week Tab, Month Tab & Appointment List Tab -- Right-Click Menu / Telemedicine -- Visit's Notes tab

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 20.05.12

MODIFICATION Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day --►Day Tab, Week Tab, Month Tab & Appointment List Tab -- RIght-Click Menu – Telemedicine -- <Access to Chart> field

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 20.05.08

MODIFICATION Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day --►Day Tab, Week Tab, Month Tab & Appointment List Tab -- Right-Click Menu – Telemedicine -- Split Screen

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Appointment --►Appointment Type <PCM Tab> field - Telemedicine

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 20.02.17

NEW FIELD Registration --►Regular --►Patient <STP DR>

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 19.12.04

NEW OPTION Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day --►Add Appointment -- Advanced Directive Form

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version November 2019

NEW CODE Utility --►Facility - <Facility Code> CPDREG

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 19.09.03

MODIFICATION Schedule --►Appointment and Office Task Manager -- PCM documents

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 19.08.06


Release Note

Online Documentation: The WASTE  AMOUNT and DISP AMOUNT fields of the Nucleus Data data table have 2 decimal places. And  Charges and credits are now differentiated when importing the data from the Nucleus system as to what needs an Intellect update.



Version 19.05.01

NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Parameter -- <PCM Tab> -- File PDF Forms

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 18.05.24

NEW Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day -- Patient Chart Progress Notes

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 17.08.16

NEW FIELDS Registration --►Regular --►Patient – Apply Additional Demographics

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 17.02.17

MODIFICATION Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day -- HIE Communication

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 16.10.11, released

BETA - NEW OPTION Utility --►Facility --►HIE Endpoint

Release Note

Online Documentation


BETA - NEW OPTION Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day--►Special Features - HIE Request Right Click Menu Option

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW FEATURE Miscellaneous - Create Chart

Release Note

Online Documentation: PCM users only. As of this version, when an Intellect client purchases PCM, a new feature called 'Create Chart' automatically creates a chart in PCM for every existing patient in Intellect. No action is required by the user.



Version 16.05.20, released

NEW FIELD Utility--►Set Up--►Appointment--►Appointment Type--►Modify - <Add Task> FIeld

Release Note

Online Documentation. See also Utility --►Set Up --►Security --►Login Users --►Add <User Number>, <User Type>, and <PCM UserInit> fields, and Additional Features --► Office Task Manager.



Version 16.02.22, released

NEW FIELDS/OPTION Utility --►Facility – CCDA and ADT Communication with Hospitals

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Printer --►Devices - <Save as Chart>

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 15.09.28, released September 2015

BETA - NEW FEATURE Schedule--►Appointment--►Full Day--►Add Appointment via Patient Portal

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 15.06.10, released June 2015

NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Parameter <Update ICD10 Equivalent> -- Track ICD-10 Code Usage

Release Note

Online Documentation: See also Utility --►Category <ICD10> field and Charges --► Charge <Diagnosis Code> field.



Version 14.12.30, released

NEW FIELD Utility --►Set Up --►Appointment --►Appointment Type <Requires Summary of Care Document>

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 14.11.10, released November 2014

NEW FIELD Utility --►Insurance --►Tele Com - <PCM Import> - Clearinghouse

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 14.08.25, released August 2014

NEW OPTION Export Intellect Reports to PCM

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 14.05.14, released May 2014

NEW FIELD Registration --►Worker --►Worker Insurance <Body Parts> -- <Comment> field added to selection list

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.32, released June 2012

NEW FIELDUtility--►Set Up--►Appointment--►Appointment Type -- Populate in PCM

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.18, released August 2011

NEW FEATURE Registration--► Regular and Registration--►Worker -- Email changes

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW FIELDS Registration --►Regular <Pharmacy Name> & <Preferred Communication Method> -- ePrescribing

Release Note

Online Documentation: See also <Preferred Communication Method>.


MODIFICATION Registration --►Regular and Registration --►Worker -- Emergency contact

Release Note

Online Documentation


NEW OPTION Billing --►Statement by Group and Batch -- Patient Portal payments

Release Note

Online Documentation



Version 9.12.14, released March 2011


FIELD MODIFICATION/ADDITION Registration --►Regular--►Patient <Race> -- Meaningful Use

Release Note

Online Documentation



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